
Soul ... The immortal part of man, its essence ... Source: Wikipedia

Center Helena stands for the power of a no-nonsense approach! We are professionally trained as a coach and trainer and we are standing firmly with our feet on the ground, both for individuals and companies, we are pleased to help you. During a personal coach or coach routes in consultation, trainings, developed by us, and possibly, if you wish, specially developed for you. For information or a free consultation please contact us, we are pleased to help you.

1. Coach Consult:
It may be that you have some difficulties in your life, and you can't find the answers. Then it might be an option to visit a professional coach, together we can find quickly and effectively, the answers you are looking for.. The answers are within yourself, sometimes you just don't know how to find them yourself.
A coach consultation will take 60 min rate is: € 75.00

2. Coach-trajectory:
It may be that there are multiple difficulties in your life, where you are currently struggling with. This enables multiple topics such as: relationships, children, family, work, finances, health, death of a loved one, basically anything that involving the life you are living. Then it might be an option to check out what a coach-trajectory for you might mean. A coach-trajectory usually consists of 6 appointments, spread over a longer period, in which you are in the center point to develop yourself on your own path and in your own pace.
For information or for a free consultation please contact us, we are happy to help you... Compensation in the event of the health care provider is dependent on which health care provider you are connected to and what kind of insurance you have.

All our training courses are tax deductible.

Let your light shine ... Love, Lenie